
COVID – 19 – Guidelines for Reopening: Sat 4th July 2020
POSTED 01, July, 2020
BY Vaal & Vaal

We are reopening!

We hope you and your family and friends are safe and well.

On on Saturday 4th July we are back in business!

Making an appointment

To help with social distancing, please phone, email or message us via our social media platforms if you would like to make an appointment.

Please bear with us as we try to get everyone booked in. We will also be operating a cancellation and waiting list.

Extra health & safety measures we are taking:

1. Our team will greet you without close contact (no handshakes, hugs etc.).
2. On arrival, you will be asked to wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser. We will provide these facilities.
3. Our team is following strict hygiene guidelines and we ask you to do the same – please place any used paper towels and tissues straight in the bin after use. Sanitize or wash your hands after coughing or sneezing.
4. There will be no magazines or newspapers to share between clients.
5. Team members will be sanitizing all stations, door handles and bathrooms regularly.
6. Team members will be washing their hands thoroughly between clients and appointments.
7. We ask you not to touch any of our retail products unless you are definitely purchasing the item.
8. Please pay with a card (preferably contactless) where possible instead of cash.
9. All of our stylists are required to and will be wearing protective visors and PPE.
10. You are not required to wear a face mask, but you may wish to do so in order to help stop spreading.
11. All of our tools and equipment will be correctly sanitized between appointments.
12. All refreshments (where possible) will be served in disposable cups.
13. Although we have a socially distanced waiting area, please arrive at the time of your appointment to reduce the length of your visit.
14. The length of your appointments will be longer than usual due to (a) We would like extra time on your hair due to this being your first appointment back and (b) so that we have enough time to sanitize between clients.

Thank you for supporting us during this time and we look forward to seeing you soon.